Hello, and for the first time, hello, Muse Kits friends!
We are so excited to be up and running as the brand-new Muse Kits and bring you more great art supplies and, of course, a little bit of inspiration.
Do you know what else we are excited about? October's Box is all about doodling!
As artists, it can be hard to loosen up and not take your art so seriously, and doodling is the perfect solution to this problem. It lets you play with a mix of materials without putting any pressure on yourself to make a full-scale work of art.
However, not all doodles need to be the ones that we used to scribble in the margins at school. Doodles can actually be a form of self-care if you use them right, and that is what we are going to get into today, the ideal art escape: a doodle date.
In today’s blog, we are going to explore the concept of a doodle date and how taking yourself on one of these dates can be beneficial for your art and your mind.
Now without further ado, grab the supplies from your box, and let’s go on an adventure.
What is a Doodle Date?
The concept of a doodle date, for me at least, was first introduced by a Youtube channel called, you guessed it, Doodle Date! The channel follows a couple who draw together in different locations and challenge each other with different drawing tasks. The channel has since moved on to different content, but the concept has always stuck with me.
Essentially a doodle date is simply taking yourself, and maybe some friends, on a date to a particular location with the goal of doodling and making some quick casual art. There is no pressure, no expectations, just the freedom to doodle as you like.
There are a lot of ways that people can treat themselves; for artists, it could be art supplies, or it could be a doodle date! Having days like this, when we let ourselves indulge in the thing we love purely to nurture our brains, is so important and will only help you in the long run.

Doodle dates are an excellent way to loosen up and make art that is completely inspired by you and your location, art taking place in the moment. You don’t need a full studio or desk set up; it's just you, your sketchbook, a few doodling supplies, and endless inspiration all around you.
What Art Supplies Do I Need?
Right, now that we have entranced you with the idea of a doodle date, what do you need? Honestly, this will change from person to person, depending on what medium you like working with the most.
Some form of paper is a must, but if you like drawing digitally, then you might prefer to bring your tablet. This month's box includes both tan and black sketchbooks so consider experimenting with one of those on occasion, along with a plain white sketchbook. If you love working in color, the supplies that you received this month are a great option. Metallic markers, colorful fine liners, colored pencils, and black fine liners are a great mix of media that will help you create doodles with depth and definition.
If you are more of a black and grey artist, we suggest pairing our black fine liners with a range of graphite pencils that you can render different tones with. Pack everything up into your pencil case, and you’re ready to go!
All in all, we suggest bringing a range of art supplies with you but don’t go overboard! You don’t want to end up lugging around your entire art collection all over town!
But now that you have your supplies together, where are you going on your doodle date?

Where Should I Go?
When it comes to location, the world is your oyster!
The classic location for a doodle date is a local coffee shop, preferably a small business, where you can indulge in your favorite beverage and draw in the corner. This gives you so many options for subjects, from your cup of coffee to the room you are sitting in or even other customers.
We like to start off with a few warm-up sketches to get our eyes in before committing to a doodle that will take you a little longer to execute. The beauty of sitting at a coffee shop is that you can always order another cup of coffee and a treat to nibble on while you draw away for a good few hours.
We know a lot of us can’t afford to constantly take ourselves out to eat but don’t worry, doodle dates don’t have to cost you any money.
Some of the best doodle dates take place outdoors in nature or in your local surroundings. Those of us that are lucky enough to live right by the sea, a river, or mountains are easily accessible, and all of them are wonderful, free locations to draw in.

However, if you are a city dweller, you could go on a doodle date to a local park or square, anywhere that has interesting features and a great atmosphere to encapsulate yourself in while you create.
You could even venture out with a picnic blanket into your own garden and let the comfort of the familiar space inspire you.
So, we have covered the visual inspirations, but what about the auditory ones?
Every good date has a soundtrack, and doodle dates are no different! Listening to ambient noise, the clinks of coffee cups on saucers, the whistle of wind through the trees, or the happy chatter of passing families; is a rich source of inspiration. Challenge yourself to depict these sounds in a doodle.
Of course, you can create your own soundtrack with music and a set of headphones to perfectly set the mood for your scribblings. Why not spend some time before your doodle date creating the perfect drawing playlist to conjure up the ideal atmosphere for drawing?
Wherever you go, our number one tip is: don’t be shy! We know it can be intimidating to whip out a sketchbook and draw in public, but the more you do it, the more natural it will become.
This could also be a great opportunity to meet with and share your art with friends by inviting them on a doodle date with you. Perhaps even take the opportunity and use your friends as your subject for the day?
The great thing about a doodle date is that it is totally adaptable to suit you and your preferences, be that location, art supplies, or the budget you have to spend on it.
Doodle dates are a wonderful practice that we think all artists could benefit from; we all deserve to have some fun, and, as we all know, art is a wonderful way to do that.
We hope this has inspired you to go out and treat yourself to a doodle date because you deserve it! We can’t wait to see the art you come up with, even if it's just a quick little doodle.