This September we rolled out our usual 4 prompt challenge and asked you to post and share what you created for the following themes: Insect, Float, Pattern and Outer Space. We are so happy to introduce you to Jade-Lee Young, our September Peacock Points Challenge Winner.
SAB: Where are you from and what do you do when you’re not creating?
JL: I am from Northern Kentucky. When I am not creating: I am working, cuddling pets, reading, cooking, or taking walks
SAB: When did you begin your artistic journey, and why, what influenced you?
JL: I have been interested in making art of some kind for as long as I can remember. I was always most excited and inspired by school assignments when any creating was involved. I loved lots of different ways of making art: being in school plays, drumming in the school marching band, writing for school publications, etc. Once I was grown and working full time I became more interested in creating as a hobby. I really enjoy trying different supplies and mediums so smart art is wonderful and I look forward to it's arrival every month!
JL: I used to love creating pattern-y and textured works with plain old ball point pens. I started those as doodling really, a way to use my hands to help me focus during classes. As I have gotten older and more successful in my career, I have more disposable funds to try new supplies, so I am trying everything I can!!! I do always still have a pattern-y/doodle-y creation happening though.
SAB: What made you want to subscribe to Smart Art Box, has it helped your creative process? What do you find useful about the weekly challenges, if anything?
JL: I first discovered smart art because of Jazza's box. I purchased that and decided to subscribe after I looked through the previous boxes. Smartart has ABSOLUTELY given my creativity a boost! Before I subscribed, I was not really interested in sharing my art online. I share whatever challenges I can complete now and also some other stuff I make every now and then. Sharing my art has helped me find other artists on social media who inspire me so much!!! The Smartart box encourages me to try supplies and styles I never considered and had even taught me some things about art history that I did not know.

SAB: You mention that you’re all about Art, Animals and Music. What is it about these 3 things that brings you joy, and how do they make their way into your artwork, if it all?
JL: My animals (3 dogs, 5 cats, and a leopard gecko) bring such comfort and caring for them keeps me busy! I am often inspired by them to create and sometimes they are represented in the art. Meekers is in the afternoon nap piece for the Mood challenge -that kitty LOVES napping in a Smart Art box! One of my doggies, Little Foot is the model for the 3 dog heads in the cthuberus piece for this month's challenge.
SAB: Is there anywhere else we can find your work? What future plans do you have for your creative ambitions?
JL: I do not have any other place where I share art at the moment. My only real creative ambition is to continue to learn and create. I see taking time to create as part of self care, I will always make art of some type!
You can catch Jade-Lee on Instagram @JadeLeeYoung, showcasing her vast spectrum of art, crafts, fun and beauty. We are so happy to have her as our September Challenge winner. Stay tuned and submit to be featured in next month’s blog for our October Smart Art Challenge Winner.